Friday, March 30, 2012

Social Media~Overwhelmed?


Today I thought I would write about my recent findings when having meetings with current/potential clients about their social media needs. The one comment that kept coming up in my meetings was "I just don't know where to's so overwhelming". My response to this comment was always "Begin slowly, gain knowledge about how social media works and start/manage at your own pace".

I think this is true for business owners that might not be too familiar with social media or how it works in today's business world. Everyone had to start somewhere, no one started out on Facebook or Twitter knowing exactly how to use it or how to gain "likes" or new clients overnight. This has been my advice to my current clients and even potential clients who might be feeling overwhelmed with starting social media for their businesses.

My advice to them(and you readers) is start with one social media site and grow with what you learn. I recommend starting with a Facebook fan page to my clients. It's a great way to reach a LOT of new customers and gain exposure for your business in so many ways you didn't know were possible. I have helped a few clients over the past week set up their Facebook fan pages and some already have close to 20 "likes" which I think is fantastic! The pure joy I see from my client even getting a simple comment saying how "interesting" they think the business is or that they want more information on their products and services makes me feel very happy and glad I chose this business as a career path.

LNT Social Media Training CAN help you start your Social Media Marketing at a pace that's good for you. Our website will be going live next week and can't wait to share that with everyone and announce our fantastic and affordable April special.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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